Source code for ABXpy.h5tools.np2h5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 19 13:46:18 2013

@author: Thomas Schatz

Class for efficiently writing to disk (in a specified dataset of a HDF5 file)
simple two-dimensional numpy arrays that are incrementally generated along the first dimension.
It uses buffers to avoid small I/O.

It needs to be used within a 'with' statement, so as to handle buffer flushing and opening and closing of the underlying HDF5 file smoothly.

Buffer size should be chosen according to speed/memory trade-off. Due to cache issues there is probably an optimal size.

The size of the dataset to be written must be known in advance, excepted when overwriting an existing dataset. 
Not writing exactly the expected amount of data causes an Exception to be thrown excepted is the fixed_size option was set to False when adding the dataset.

import numpy as np
import h5py

[docs]class NP2H5(object): # sink is the name of the HDF5 file to which to write, buffer size is in # kilobytes def __init__(self, h5file): # set up output file and buffer list if isinstance(h5file, str): self.manage_file = True self.filename = h5file self.file_open = False else: # supposed to be a h5 file handle self.manage_file = False self.file_open = True self.file = h5file self.filename = h5file.filename self.buffers = [] # open HDF5 file in 'with' statement def __enter__(self): if not(self.file_open): self.file = h5py.File(self.filename) self.file_open = True return self # flush buffers and close HDF5 file in 'with' statement def __exit__(self, eType, eValue, eTrace): try: if self.file_open: for buf in self.buffers: buf.flush() if self.manage_file: self.file.close() self.file_open = False # if there was an error, delete dataset, otherwise check that the # amount of data actually written is consistent with the size of # the datasets if eValue is not None: if not(self.file_open): self.file = h5py.File(self.filename) self.file_open = True for buf in self.buffers: buf.delete() if self.manage_file: self.file.close() self.file_open = False # check that all buffers were completed (defaults to true for # dataset without a fixed size) elif not(all([buf.iscomplete() for buf in self.buffers])): raise Warning( 'File %s, the amount of data actually written is not consistent with the size of the datasets' % self.filename) except: # raise the first exception if eValue is not None: # FIXME the first exception will be raised, but could log a # warning here ... pass else: raise
[docs] def add_dataset(self, group, dataset, n_rows=0, n_columns=None, chunk_size=100, buf_size=100, item_type=np.int64, overwrite=False, fixed_size=True): if n_columns is None: raise ValueError( 'You have to specify the number of columns of the dataset.') if self.file_open: buf = NP2H5buffer(self, group, dataset, n_rows, n_columns, chunk_size, buf_size, item_type, overwrite, fixed_size) self.buffers.append(buf) return buf else: raise IOError( "Method add_dataset of class NP2H5 can only be used within a 'with' statement!")
[docs]class NP2H5buffer(object): # buf_size in Ko def __init__(self, parent, group, dataset, n_rows, n_columns, chunk_size, buf_size, item_type, overwrite, fixed_size): assert parent.file_open # check coherency of arguments if size is fixed or not if n_rows == 0 and fixed_size: raise ValueError( 'A dataset with a fixed size cannot have zero lines') if overwrite and not(fixed_size): raise ValueError( 'Cannot overwrite a dataset without a specified fixed size') self.fixed_size = fixed_size # check type argument # dtype call is needed to access the itemsize attribute in case a # built-in type was specified self.type = np.dtype(item_type) if self.type.itemsize == 0: raise AttributeError( 'NP2H5 can only be used with numpy arrays whose items have a fixed size in memory') # initialize buffer self.buf_len = nb_lines(self.type.itemsize, n_columns, buf_size) self.buf = np.zeros([self.buf_len, n_columns], dtype=self.type) self.buf_ix = 0 # set up output dataset self.dataset_ix = 0 # fail if dataset already exists and overwrite=False otherwise create # it or overwrite it if group + '/' + dataset in parent.file: if overwrite: self.dataset = parent.file[group][dataset] if self.dataset.shape[0] != n_rows or self.dataset.shape[1] != n_columns or self.dataset.dtype != self.type: raise IOError( 'Overwriting a dataset is only possible if it already has the correct shape and dtype') else: raise IOError( 'Dataset %s already exists in file %s!' % (dataset, parent.filename)) else: # if necessary create group try: g = parent.file[group] except KeyError: g = parent.file.create_group(group) # create dataset if self.fixed_size: # would it be useful to chunk here? g.create_dataset(dataset, (n_rows, n_columns), dtype=self.type) else: chunk_lines = nb_lines( self.type.itemsize, n_columns, chunk_size) g.create_dataset(dataset, (n_rows, n_columns), dtype=self.type, chunks=( chunk_lines, n_columns), maxshape=(None, n_columns)) self.dataset = parent.file[group][dataset] # store useful parameters self.n_rows = n_rows self.n_columns = n_columns self.parent = parent
[docs] def write(self, data): # fail if not used in a with statement of a parent NP2H5 object if not(self.parent.file_open): raise IOError( "Method write of class NP2H5buffer can only be used within a 'with' statement of parent NP2H5 object!") target_ix = self.buf_ix + data.shape[0] # if size is not of fixed size, check that it is big enough if not(self.fixed_size): necessary_rows = self.dataset_ix + \ self.buf_len * (target_ix // self.buf_len) if necessary_rows > self.n_rows: self.n_rows = necessary_rows # maybe should use larger increments ? could use chunk size as # a basis for the increments instead of buf_len if useful self.dataset.resize((self.n_rows, self.n_columns)) # while buffer is full dump it to file while target_ix >= self.buf_len: # fill buffer buffer_space = self.buf_len - self.buf_ix self.buf[self.buf_ix:] = data[:buffer_space, :] # dump buffer to file ix_start = self.dataset_ix ix_end = self.dataset_ix + self.buf_len self.dataset[ix_start:ix_end, :] = self.buf self.dataset_ix = ix_end # reset variables for next iteration self.buf_ix = 0 data = data[buffer_space:, :] target_ix = target_ix - self.buf_len # put remaining data in buffer self.buf[self.buf_ix:target_ix, :] = data self.buf_ix = target_ix
[docs] def flush(self): assert self.parent.file_open if self.buf_ix > 0: ix_start = self.dataset_ix ix_end = self.dataset_ix + self.buf_ix if not(self.fixed_size) and ix_end > self.n_rows: self.dataset.resize((ix_end, self.n_columns)) self.dataset[ix_start:ix_end, :] = self.buf[:self.buf_ix] self.dataset_ix = ix_end self.buf_ix = 0
[docs] def delete(self): assert self.parent.file_open del self.dataset
[docs] def iscomplete(self): if self.fixed_size: test = self.dataset_ix == self.n_rows else: test = True return test # item_size given in bytes, size_in_mem given in kilobytes
[docs]def nb_lines(item_size, n_columns, size_in_mem): return int(round(size_in_mem * 1000. / (item_size * n_columns)))