Source code for ABXpy.database.database

# make sure the rest of the ABXpy package is accessible
import os
import sys
package_path = os.path.dirname(
if not(package_path in sys.path):
# remove this dependency to ABXpy and create separate repository for this ?

import pandas
import numpy
import ABXpy.misc.tinytree as tinytree

#FIXME use just one isolated | as a separator instead of two #

# custom read_table that ignore empty entries at the end of a file (they
# can result from trailing white spaces at the end for example)
def read_table(filename):
[docs] db = pandas.read_table(filename, sep='[ \t]+') # removes row with all null values (None or NaN...) db = db.dropna(how='all') return db # function that loads a database def load(filename, features_info=False):
[docs] # reading the main database using pandas (it is now a DataFrame) ext = '.item' if not(filename[len(filename) - len(ext):] == ext): filename = filename + ext db = read_table(filename) # finding '#' (to separate location info from attribute info) and fixing # names of columns columns = db.columns.tolist() l = [] for i, c in enumerate(columns): if c[0] == "#": l.append(i) columns[i] = c[1:] db.columns = pandas.Index(columns) assert len(l) > 0 and l[ 0] == 0, ('The first column name in the database main file must be ' 'prefixed with # (sharp)') assert len( l) == 2, ('Exactly two column names in the database main file must be' ' prefixed with a # (sharp)') feat_db = db[db.columns[:l[1]]] db = db[db.columns[l[1]:]] # verbose print(" Read input File '"+filename+"'. Defined conditions: # "+str(newcolumns[attrI:len(columns)])) # opening up existing auxiliary files, and merging with the main database # and creating a forest describing the hierarchy at the same time (useful # for optimizing regressor generation and filtering) (basename, _) = os.path.splitext(filename) db, db_hierarchy = load_aux_dbs(basename, db, db.columns, filename) # dealing with missing items: for now rows with missing items are dropped nanrows = numpy.any(pandas.isnull(db), 1) if any(nanrows): dropped = db[nanrows] dropped.to_csv(basename + '-removed' + ext) db = db[~ nanrows] feat_db = feat_db[~ nanrows] # not so verbose print('** Warning ** ' + len(nanrows) + ' items were # removed because of missing information. The removed items are listed in' # + basename + '-removed.item' if features_info: return db, db_hierarchy, feat_db else: return db, db_hierarchy # recursive auxiliary function for loading the auxiliary databases def load_aux_dbs(basename, db, cols, mainfile):
[docs] forest = [tinytree.Tree() for col in cols] for i, col in enumerate(cols): forest[i].name = col try: auxfile = basename + '.' + col if not(auxfile == mainfile): auxdb = read_table(auxfile) assert col == auxdb.columns[0], ( 'First column name in file %s' ' is %s. It should be %s instead.' % ( auxfile, auxdb.columns[0], col)) # call get_aux_dbs on child columns auxdb, auxforest = load_aux_dbs( basename, auxdb, auxdb.columns[1:]) # add to forest forest[i].addChildrenFromList(auxforest) # merging the databases db = pandas.merge(db, auxdb, on=col, how='left') # verbose print(" Read auxiliary File '"+auxfile+"'. Defined # conditions: "+str(newcol[1:len(newcol)])+" on key '"+newcol[0]+"'") except IOError: pass return db, forest